"No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine." - - - William Blum

January 03, 2005

When are Progressives going to do something about this?

From CAP:

The White House is continuing to show a decided lack of commitment to stopping the horror of human rights abuses in U.S. prisons abroad. Today, for example, hundreds of people whom the government lacks evidence to charge in courts are languishing in military and CIA custody. The Pentagon and CIA response to this problem: drafting long-range plans to indefinitely imprison the suspects they don't want to set free or turn over to the courts. These new plans for lifetime imprisonment "have emerged at a time when the US is under increasing scrutiny for the interrogation methods used on the roughly 550 enemy combatants at the Guantanamo Bay base, who do not have the same rights as traditional prisoners of war." One administration proposal: Turn suspects over to prisons in Yemen and Saudi Arabia, countries known for human rights abuses.

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