"No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine." - - - William Blum

January 26, 2005

Hello? Is Anybody With a Conscience Out There?

"The situation is untenable. 1,578 dead. $300 billion in treasure. Another two hellish years for our troops. All for what? More Iraqis are dying now than died during Saddam's regime. The torture rooms are still open for business. Iraq is now a prime terrorist recruitment and training ground. "Democracy" is nowhere to be found. Civil war is imminent. Our armed forces are being degraded into paper tiger status. The war has cost us international support and respect. We no longer have the ability to respond to genuine threats. It's not just a monumental fuck up, but one that keeps on sucking us dry, and apparently will for at least two more years." - - - Kos

And the Bush Administration would be happiest if there was no Iraqi left standing, thus giving the American Petroleum Industry unfettered access to all that sweet Arab oil. Come on!! The Neocons don't give a rat's ass about dead American soldiers or dead Iraqi citizens. If they did, we wouldn't be having this discussion today. In fact, the only thing the Bush Administration would consider as a "fuck up" would be if there WAS an Iraqi left standing.

We are all, apparently, soulless, spineless, and morally-challenged Americans. If we weren't, we'd be actually doing something about this rather than just talking incessantly about it. The rest of the world already knows it. When are we Americans going to reach the same conclusion and purge our government of these evil madmen?

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