"No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine." - - - William Blum

January 28, 2005

Friday Warped Fun

That guy in the middle frame running with the bomb... those things must weigh hundreds of pounds.

I understand that so far, in almost two years, the US has trained around 8,000 Iraqis to adequately fight the insurgents. At that rate we'll be there at least another 10-20 years. Good news for all those other nations Bush was planning to invade. Not only will we be thinning our forces by around 10,000 per year due to death, injury or mental illness from fighting in Iraq and be tied down far longer than the Neocons foresaw, but the Army and Marines are having a heck of a time getting enough new suckers recruits.

However, eventually as Bush's federally-funded entitlement/social net programs dwindle to nothing over the next several years due to massive military spending, reduction in tax revenues and the upcoming economic tailspin and depression, our unemployed youth and young adults will have no option but to enlist. So we will ultimately have enough uniformed servants to protect our military-and-corporate-controlled colonies around the world and to invade lots of nuclear-free countries.

It's time, people. It's time to put down our pens and keyboards. It's time to revolt.

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