"No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine." - - - William Blum

January 18, 2005

Family Guy cancelled again

The bitingly funny Fox TV show, Family Guy, which was cancelled and then reborn with a new season around the corner, was once again cancelled by the network after pressure from the puritanically-driven FCC.

South Park, Family Guy and The Simpsons are/were some of the most entertaining, well-written and socially provocative shows on TV, irrespective of the fact that they're animated. The fundagelicals are slowly but surely overtaking the airways, the FCC and the corporate media.

UPDATE: Thanks to Dean Austin's comments, I reviewed my sources again and determined that the show has been censored, not re-cancelled. (bad news about my research abilities, good news about the show, and still bad news about the FCC...)

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