"No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine." - - - William Blum

January 04, 2005

"Assuming that we "stay the course" as Bush proclaims, the Resistance will grow stronger and American forces further weakened. Many Shiites now sit out of the conflict (except Sadrists). Sooner or later, Shiites will join the fight against American forces, for various reasons. One scenario is that, as the military balance further tilts toward the resistance, Shiites must join the fight in order to share post-war (after Americans kicked out) political power. Shiites cannot be perceived as passive, or worse, collaborators to a foreign invader. Another scenario is that, if the Iraqi election is held (doesn't look likely right now) and Shiites legitimize their majority rule, then they will come out to fight to re-claim the sovereignty of a Shiite dominated Iraq with strong ties to Iran. Either way, Shiites will join the fight sooner or later." - - - Kevin Thomson

I still say, name one thing that is better for Iraqis in Iraq than before the invasion.

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