"No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine." - - - William Blum

January 26, 2005

12 Democratic Senators Who Rediscovered Their Spines

12 democratic US Senators voted against the confirmation of C. Rice for Secretary of State today:

Mark Dayton of Minnesota
Barbara Boxer of California
Edward M. Kennedy and John Kerry of Massachusetts
Carl Levin of Michigan
Robert C. Byrd of West Virginia
Jack Reed of Rhode Island
Richard Durbin of Illinois
Daniel Akaka of Hawaii
Evan Bayh of Indiana
Frank Lautenberg of New Jersey
Tom Harkin of Iowa

James Jeffords of Vermont, an Independent, also voted against Ms. Rice. All but two other Senators voted in favor. Before everyone gets all excited about this, remember that 32 other Democratic Senators did not vote against this confirmation. That is how totally f*cked up the current Democratic Party is, and how much control Corporate America has over our Federal Government. You'd think that, after four years of only evil decisions by the Bush Administration, at least most of the Democrats in Congress would start listening to their consciences instead of their personal financial advisors. Many who voted in favor use the excuse that Bush, as the President, deserves the respect to be able to choose his cabinet as he sees fit. What has Bush done to deserve our respect?

(Thanks to Bark Bark Woof Woof for the lead.)

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