"No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine." - - - William Blum

November 04, 2004


One reason why I want to leave this country: I despise my tax dollars being used to finance the killing of (so far) 100,000 innocent boys, girls, mothers, wives, and babies in Iraq, when that money could instead be used to shelter and feed the homeless here in America. I am horrified every time I think of the millions of Eastern Europeans and Iraqis who are slowly dying from exposure to spent depleted uranium munitions manufactured using my money. I am angry about my money being freely showered, by the billions, onto illegally-operated corporations such as Halliburton, when it could instead be used to fight AIDS here and around the world. I am filled with rage when I think that the government takes even more of my money through the guise of "invisible taxes" just so the wealthy - the only people on the planet who don't need money - can have more of it through lower taxes.

I want to live where my taxes pay for the government services that I and my family use, for protecting me from foreign invaders, and for assisting those fellow countrymen who, for whatever reason, cannot sustain their own livelihood.

Think of just $1 of your tax money, directly from your pocket, used to make one bullet that ends up in the chest of a 10-year-old Iraqi girl who was cowering in fear in the corner of her house as your fellow countrymen were outside spraying the village randomly with automatic rifles. Your dollar bought that bullet. Yes, it did. Now think of that $1 being used to pay for one day of meals for a homeless 10-year-old wandering the streets of skid row with her mother, willing to do anything for a home, clean clothes and a chance at attending a school.

Exactly where do you prefer that $1 be spent if you were given the power to choose? Why don't you want your government to spend your money the way you want? Basically, the function of government is to spend your money. Without money there would be no government. You elect the people who decide how to spend your money, and you try to make sure those elected have your interests in mind when they make their spending decisions. If the majority of my fellow citizens want my money to be used to kill innocent humans, rather than improving their lives, then I will go somewhere that doesn't follow this insanity.

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