"No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine." - - - William Blum

November 08, 2004

Why I Think Kerry Conceded So Quickly

When 9/11 happened, I'm sure at one point that Gore thought: If this was destined to happen no matter what, then I'm glad it wasn't on my watch.

When Kerry began his campaign, Iraq was VERY salvageable. By election day Iraq was completely unsalvageable, and Kerry knew it. I'm sure he would have assumed his role as POTUS with honor and integrity, after all he is a good soldier and statesman.

But given a nearly impossible situation (Iraq) with almost no support (Republican Congress) can you really blame him for bowing out when he did?

So let's lay off the Kerry-bashing and look at the whole picture. He gave it his best when it counted, nearly pulled off an upset against an election coup, and was the most forthright politician in decades to run for national office. Let's give Kerry the kudos he deserves. Save your bashing for those who deserve it: the bigots who drive the Republican steamroller.

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