"No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine." - - - William Blum

November 01, 2004

Still Supporting Dubya?

If you are still voting for Bush, please watch THIS VIDEO. Thank you.

Fred Langa, an icon in the computer geek universe, has some good points in the only political statement I've ever seen him make in about a decade (excerpt):

....And meanwhile, the real mastermind behind 9-11---Bin Laden, a true "clear and present danger" to the US--- is still free, still active; and Al-Qaeda is still strong and growing.

But Bush still says it's all OK, and that he did nothing wrong, and that he'd do it all over. When asked in the debates what mistakes he's made in the last four years, Bush could only think of a couple of minor appointments that didn't work out the way he hoped. In his mind, he's made no other mistakes. Not the war against the wrong enemy, not the loss of lives, not the deficit, not the loss of jobs, not the hatred for the US that's running rampant in the world, not the roll-back of environmental protections, not the unilateral breaking of international treaties, not the Orwellian use of nice-sounding titles (Patriot Act, No Child Left Behind, Clear Skies Initiative...) that mask the true purpose of his legislation, not the blurring of the separation of church and state, and so much more. He's OK with it all, and would do it all over again.

Not with my vote, he won't. Too many have died for the wrong reason in the wrong place. Too many mistakes have been made, and left uncorrected. Being stubborn in the face of overwhelming contrary facts doesn't make a leader steadfast--- it just proves him callous, or worse.

We all make mistakes, and recognizing our mistakes gives us a chance to correct them. But when a leader makes mistakes and then can't or won't recognize them, then no corrections can be made--- and the errors go on and on. Refusing to admit errors doesn't make Bush resolute; it makes him dangerous: By not admitting his errors, Bush can't correct them. That means that what you see--- misconceived war, lives lost, deficits out to the horizon, fear and insecurity as part of our daily lives, growing hatred of America everywhere, erosion of civil liberties at home, and all the rest--- is what we'll get. Four more years indeed.

If you're supporting Bush, I simply ask that you take a moment to consider that actions should speak louder than words. Bush's egregious errors ought to matter more than flag-draped TV ads and stirring sound bites written by clever speech writers and campaign managers. Anyone can mouth patriotic-sounding phrases; but a person's actions show what they're really about....

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