"No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine." - - - William Blum

November 15, 2004

So, How's it going in Whack-a-mole?

Just great, as THIS PHOTO illustrates:

Aw shucks, here's another:

May as golly-gee-willickers well show more...


Of course I'm being sarcastically crude. The United States of America, headed by his holiness God-Bush, the moral compass of the world, has unilaterally masssacred hundreds if not thousands of Iraqi civilians in their own hometown of Fallujah, destroyed the holy city's sacred buildings, leveled hundreds of homes and other buildings, and caused deadly uprisings in surrounding cities to grow and fester to alarming levels. Simultaneously we are being led by a "right-to-life" Republican Administration hell-bent on the death and destruction of anyone and anything that may even hint at being an obstacle to its success.

I am not going to try writing with eloquent rage. We are, as tax-paying supporters of our government and citizens of our nation, completely responsible for this nightmare of evil, not seen by Americans since the Mai Lai Massacre, which was covered up by former Secretary of State Colin Powell of anthrax-in-a-vial fame.

Don't give me any of that "I didn't vote for Bush in either election" bullcrap. If you paid your income taxes or purchase gasoline, then you and I are directly funding this mission-from-hell. You and I are fully responsible for this slaughter of human beings. Why are we letting a handful of truly evil and morally corrupt persons get away with this? Why aren't we hanging them from the nearest flagpole? Why? Why aren't you overcome with debilitating rage every time you think about this?

We pretend to care and sympathize with our neighbor down the street who just lost their child-soldier to a roadside bomb outside Baghdad. "Ohhh, so sad, so horrible is this war; so sorry for your loss; and those Iraqis aren't really THAT bad, but they did kill an AMERICAN (salute flag here)". Goddam bullshit. Most of those American soldiers killed were poorly-trained and poorly-equipped members of the National Guard, who joined because they thought they would be called up to place sandbags around American homes during floods and provide assistance in local emergencies. Instead, our vile and corrupt Bush Administration has shipped them off to a poor nation that never wanted them, that desperately wants them to leave.

The time is now to get out of your homes and into the streets to passionately protest this outrage to humanity. 99.99% of the citizens of this nation want nothing to do with the murder of innocent civilians of any nation, including Iraq; and yet here we are, sitting idly by, watching in bemused horror while lip-synching to third-rate pop music trash, burping and farting while driving our monstrous SUV's on our way to Wal-Mart to purchase ridiculously cheap clothes made in sweat shops manned by children and women who are paid less in a month than you paid for that toxic, super-sized whopper combo you're washing down with that 40 ounce chemical-laden Slurpee... We Americans are a fuckingly pathetic and mentally/physically obese group of subhumans. All of us.

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