"No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine." - - - William Blum

November 29, 2004

The Pro-Birth Party

Larry Caballero in the Los Cerritos Community News:

...In truth, the Republicans are not really pro-life. Yes, I said it, and I mean it. The Republicans are pro-birth. There is a difference. They care about the unborn child, but once it is born, Republicans walk away. It’s up to the family, they believe, to take care of the child. No matter if they are unable or unwilling to do so. No matter if the child is underfed, poorly clothed, abused, ill, and receives a substandard education.

The Republicans talk about being pro-life, but what about their support of capital punishment? People do die from those lethal injections! And how many innocent people, on both sides, have died in Iraq for a war that was not necessary? I wonder how many Iraqi citizens were pregnant women. What about those unborn children?

So life is important if it’s an unborn American baby and maybe not so important after that....

Let's all start referring to the Republican Party as the Pro-Birth Party. It's catchy and oh-so-true.

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