"No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine." - - - William Blum

October 21, 2004

Street Reflections of the Debates

Jason points out this analysis by Paul Street about the recent debates (excerpt):

....At the same time, I've also been taken by how significantly superior Kerry and how incredibly bad Bush has been. Kerry has been cleaning Bush's clock, within the sadly restricted parameters, revealing the incumbent as what he really is: a sputtering, mean-spirited C-student creature of campaign dirty tricks, racist black voter disenfranchisement in Florida (a story about to be repeated), illegal Supreme Court intervention, and of course the great event that Repubicans love to pretend to hate: Nine-Eleven.

It's been like watching a battle between two very different centers in an NBA game. Kerry scores inside, scores outside, and has an elegant hookshot. He plays with intelligent and measured grace. He's adept at blocking shots and rarely commits fouls because he doesn't particuarly need to resort to anything much more than his skills. He's slick and effective. Bush is a lumbering. muscle-bound bully who can barely shoot the ball from more than three feet out and scores only after he manages to muscle the other guy out of the way. He fouls constantly and is frequently caught out of position. As he gets more and more "lit up" by his opponent, he becomes more agitated and resorts to baiting his opponent with verbal abuse, calling him a panzy and other nasty names. On the few occasions that he makes anything like a decent shot, he puts on a big stupid grin and parades around the court like a goon.

Nobody's quite sure why he even has a starting position in the big leagues but his team is too embarassed to admit how bad his performance is....

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