"No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine." - - - William Blum

October 21, 2004

Mr. October

The Left Coaster predicts the October Surprise:

Beware Of The Saturday Trip To Crawford
The first real sign of an October surprise cropped up yesterday when the AP reported that Bush would be taking this Saturday off during the home stretch of the campaign to return to the ranch in Crawford. Why would such an announcement be suspect? And why would this be a sure sign that we are in store for another surprise trip by Bush to drop in on our troops somewhere in the world, probably with another fake photo op and stuffed flight suit to boot?

Because the last time Bush pulled this off to serve a plastic turkey to hand-selected soldiers in Baghdad last Thanksgiving, Air Force One didn’t fly from Andrews Air Force base to Baghdad. It flew from Crawford....

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