"No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine." - - - William Blum

October 01, 2004

Here is what I thought was the best comment, on DailyKos, about last night's debate:

Debate as Education(4.00 / 2)

Perhaps the most important function of the debate was educational -- Kerry reporting on what the media won't report or emphasize.

How many people sitting there said, after listening to Kerry on North Korea -- "Holy Shit -- I didn't know they had nukes!"

Earlier, Kerry said there were 35-40 countries with greater nuclear capability than Iraq. Again, Mr. Voter is sitting there saying, "Say What?"

Then, when asked what the most important foreign policy problem was, Kerry unhesitatingly said "Nuclear Proliferation" (forcing Bush to say the same thing -- not Iraq, or even "terra"!)

Kerry also mentioned the hundreds of thousands of untranslated tapes -- while this was a NYT front page story, how many non-NYT readers know about this?

The debates may be the only time that some voters hear about things the media fails to report, or buries. Kerry's forceful way of informing them was fantastic.

by Upper West on Fri Oct 1st, 2004 at 13:25:21 GMT

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