"No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine." - - - William Blum

September 27, 2004

Nothing Left to Rapture

Here's an excerpt of a post by Jack Kinsella, a "rapture expert". What's so funny is that now even the rapture proponents are starting to get so scared about the potential of world destruction resulting from Bush's policies, they fear that their rapture may never get a chance to pass.

....World peace or global annihilation.

The Bible doesn’t say when the Rapture will occur. It says we will know when it is near, even, at the door. And we know that Jesus said of the Tribulation Period which follows the Rapture, that the destruction and death will be so great that, if the days be not shortened, there should be no flesh saved.

Logical secular analysis suggests either an historically elusive and seemingly impossible world peace that will result in the destruction of these weapons, or the historically probable global war that will result in their deployment. And it is impossible to imagine that if we don’t achieve one, we are doomed to face the other, as certainly as our 1904 Nebraska farm boy.

Except that we live in a world where 19 guys with box cutters can destroy two 110 story buildings and kill 3000 people, all by themselves.

Now we return to the central question of the timing of the Rapture. I don’t know the day or the hour, but I know the odds that we will achieve world peace, keep weapons of mass destruction out of the hands of terrorists and avoid total war with the Islamic world in the next twenty years.

And, unless we do all that, if the Rapture hasn’t already happened, there will be nobody left to Rapture....

How hilarious is that, in a warped sense? There you have it, a "logical" argument to give to your fundagelical neighbor on why not to vote for Bush.

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