"No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine." - - - William Blum

August 29, 2004

No Holds Barred

"If we don't get out there and protest the way we want to and as forcefully as we can, then we lose our rights and it doesn't matter who's president." ---Eric Laursen, who is organizing a day of civil disobedience on Tuesday with a group called the A31 Action Coalition

Forget what happened in Chicago in '68. Forget the wimp-ass Democratic Party leadership begging Democrats to tone down the protesting. This is serious, people, and if we don't protest with our hearts and passion, we may never get another opportunity in our lifetimes. The damage possible in NYC by protestors can only pale in comparison to the damage done by the Republican Administration that, despite pleas and warnings from sources almost too numerous to count now, pretty much gave the green flag to Al Qaeda to take down WTC, then encouraged, by lying, thousands of residents to breath toxic air generated by the WTC collapses, then shortchanged the civilian security organization by reducing funding for securing ports, rails and airports and sending a good portion of the fire and police reservists off to Iraq to secure the oil reserves for Bush and associates at the expense of many thousands of Iraqi lives. So screw the RNC and all it represents today, and if someone wants to toss a chair through a Starbucks window on Broadway (as suggested by Bill Maher Friday night), they can sure as hell use my favorite recliner.

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