"No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine." - - - William Blum

August 26, 2004

Makings of a New Political Party?

Received this important e-message today:

Notice of Historic Merger
August 26, 2004

Dear Friends, Progressive Democrats, Members of Progressive Democratic Caucuses, Progressive Vote, and Progressive Democrats of America:

Every progressive democrat receiving this email knows the Democratic Party needs to be transformed. The only realistic way to do so is by out-organizing the corporate interests that now control the Party. In order to accomplish this goal we need a "movement" to transform the Democratic Party. And we have found one.

Progressive Vote (PV) - is an organization run by grassroots democratic caucuses throughout the country. It has formed a powerful grassroots coalition that identifies and supports people involved with local Democratic Party chapters to secure social and economic justice for the under-served and unheard majority of the American people. PV combines electoral and policy work with real community organizing and support of local community organizers and organizations to create meaningful and strong links that it nurtures and expands. Its goal is to ultimately have Progressive Democratic caucuses in every one of the 435 congressional districts.

Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) - is an organization also building a coalition of the millions of Americans who will benefit from taking back the democratic party, our democracy, our economy, and our institutions from the "moneyed interests." PDA is committed to achieving local, national, and global security by redirecting the current wasteful and obscene levels of U.S. military spending toward the effective funding of health and education programs, an end to all discrimination, the provision of full and meaningful employment, and an end to poverty and war for all people. PDA also believes we must combine electoral and policy work with real community organizing to create a meaningful effective coalition. These are not just dreams. If the people lead, the politicians and parties will follow.

With these shared beliefs and goals both PDA and PV have chosen to merge into one organization, henceforth to be called PDA. What makes the merged PDA and PV unique is our two fold strategy of working inside the beltway (itb) while simultaneously building a strong federation of state and congressional district based local progressive democratic caucuses and chapters. Either strategy alone is far weaker than the combination of both. A central organization without grassroots support and engagement is without power or leverage. Grassroots chapters without a unifying, central lobbying, legislative, national focus can achieve only limited local successes. But the two organizations working as one to build an unstoppable democratic coalition represent a strategy and a movement to be reckoned with.

Please visit our combined new web site http://www.pdamerica.org/ beginning this weekend. Please join in our efforts, share this email, form local caucuses, learn about upcoming PDA events, chapter building, and fund raising. Donate your time, skills, energy, and money as you are able. Please feel free to contact your local state progressive caucus ... or form one ... and add your voice. Questions regarding PDA may be directed to either Tim Carpenter or Kevin Spidel at info@pdamerica.org .

Watch out stagnant Democratic Party because here we come, progressives, people of color, working men and women. This is our country, not Exxon's, not Bush's, not the DLC's, and not any corporate Board's. America belongs to the people, American citizens, progressives, democrats. The highest office in a democracy is that of citizen. And the citizens long for and demand justice and peace. PDA is here to help. Believe. There is hope.

Visit Our Website
Yours for economic and social justice and peace,


Tim Carpenter, Director, Progressive Democrats of America
Kevin Spidel, Field Director, Progressive Democrats of America and former Executive Director, Progressive Vote
email: info@pdamerica.org
web: http://www.pdamerica.org

After the November 2004 election... Sign me up!

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