"No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine." - - - William Blum

August 18, 2004

Kerry a War Criminal, Bush a War Hero

National NFRA: John Kerry is a War Criminal

He doesn’t deserve any “credit” for his time in the armed forces - By Richard Engle, President NFRA

I have had it with well meaning media personalities giving “due” respect to Sen. Kerry for his service to our nation. I understand that they don’t want to diminish the value of life risking military service. They wish to honor Mr. Kerry for those deeds that were done in earning various medals and ribbons, regardless of which of those he did or did not throw away. Their desire to honor those men and women throughout the centuries who have honorably served our nation is not lost on me. “Honorably” goes to the heart of the question for me. Yes, I understand that Mr. Kerry was “honorably discharged” but I am not convinced that he discharged his duties therein in an honorable manner.

John Kerry is a self confessed war criminal! Despite the fact that his confession is the only evidence against him, his charges are serious and until they are repudiated he should not be given serious consideration for public office. Should his claims of being a war criminal be repudiated then I think the person guilty of such false charges (that would be John Kerry himself) should be so utterly shunned by the public that a political career would be unthinkable. This type of double jeopardy (damned if you do and damned if you don’t) is the specific creation of Mr. Kerry. In his testimony before a Congressional committee during the Vietnam War he tried to create an image in the mind of the American people that the war itself was criminal. He spoke of war crimes being so commonplace that nearly all those he served with were guilty and that he himself was guilty. If he was telling the truth then he belongs in jail and not in the U.S. Senate, much less the White House. If he was lying (I believe he was lying about those he “served” with in Viet Nam) then he shouldn’t be eligible for the office of Dog Catcher.

Sen. Kerry’s record in Congress of accomplishing almost nothing should be enough to prevent his victory this November. His lack of credibility (or consistency at least) would have similar electoral consequences for almost any politician. His gall at running on his “record” of military service in the midst of these self-imposed charges is absolutely Clintonesque! I don’t believe it would be much different if Benedict Arnold challenged the first George W. for the Presidency using his heroism at Ticonderoga and his “strategic consultations” with the British at West Point as issues in the campaign.

I'm shocked, shocked I tell you. Here I thought Kerry had a stellar military record, all those medals and stuff. But apparently, Mr. Engle knows better; why else would he write something so damning?

Thank god Bush avoided serving in the A.N.G. in a complete and competent manner, or he, too, might have been shipped off to Vietnam and given the opportunity to also be a war criminal, or worse he may have been, god-forbid, killed or wounded. If Bush had served and maybe been wounded, then, as a result of such a sobering experience, we may not be in Iraq today, spreading peace, democracy and prosperity across the formerly troubled peoples. The Iraqis are, I hope, thanking their god that Bush was a military coward, became a devout christian rapture-ready fundagelical, and ignored the rest of humanity when he patriotically led the charge into their sovereign nation, found and destroyed all those deadly WMD's, found and killed Osama bin Laden, rounded up and destroyed al Qaeda, captured that WTC-destroying Hussein guy who was on the imminent verge of attacking America (Staten Island? Malibu? I don't know) again, and, finally, assisted the populace in setting up the new democratically-elected government. Forget that traitorous nazi-liberal scum-sucking unworthy-to-be-dog-catcher Kerry. Bush, you're our man divinely-appointed leader!

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