"No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine." - - - William Blum

August 30, 2004

$1M Needed ASAP

In case you're not on MoveOn's email list:

Dear MoveOn member,

This week, Republicans in New York will try to distract America from their dismal track record using slick politicians, September 11th, and truckloads of spin. Together, we can air a perfect contrast, spoken by real Americans who previously supported Bush, but who have turned away.

Starting today, we want to air five of our Real People ads -- featuring real Americans who voted for Bush in 2000 but are supporting Kerry this year -- with our biggest ad buy ever. The campaign will cost over $3 million, but it'll make sure that most TV viewers in 9 critical swing states see them during the Republican Convention.

MoveOn members helped make these spots and chose the best ones, and have contributed over $600,000 to put them on TV. Now, we need your help to get them in front of swing state voters, and we're trying to raise $1 million TODAY to make that happen. Can you help? To contribute securely by credit card or check, go to:


You don't need to be a member to donate. Also, I recommend that you consider joining this cutting-edge, energetic and progressive political organization if you've had it up to here with the destructive policies and actions of our current and illegal occupant of the oval office.

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