"No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine." - - - William Blum

July 06, 2004

Steve Gilliard has a very supportive review of F-9/11. One thing he said that jarred my memory was his reminder of Bush's inauguration as detailed in the film:

....It's not as if Moore has to do much, his narration is slanted against Bush, but the clips themselves do not do him any credit, and much of this film is news footage. However, the two most devastating scenes in the movie have nothing to do with him. One, shows the riots during the 2001 inaugural. What? You didn't know there were any riots during the inauguration? Well, there were and they pelted the presidential limo with eggs....

I do remember something about all this in 2001, but had forgotten since there was very little mention in the mainstream press, at a time when I had yet to discover the wealth of alternative news on the internet and Pacifica Radio. I did not know until viewing F-9/11 that Bush was actually pelted with eggs, and it brought back the contrasting memories of Carter's famous and spontaneous inauguration walk to the capitol. I hope they pelt Bush again when he takes his final walk fron the White House to his helicopter next Jaunary, because he should get what he deserves. On the other hand, he doesn't even deserve eggs, because they could better be served as food for some of the millions of hungry and homeless victims of his illegal and immoral occupation of the presidency.

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