"No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine." - - - William Blum

July 23, 2004

Starve, Piss, Shoot

From GMSV:

Just add urine ... It seems DARPA's doing everything it can these days to make the prospect of joining the armed forces as unattractive as possible. In February it was reported that the agency was hard at work on a drug that will allow soldiers to fight for up to five days without eating a single meal. Now comes news that it's developed a dried food ration that troops can be hydrated with urine. Can you imagine fighting without food for five days and then having your first meal be one cooked in your own urine? Sort of give news meaning to the the phrase "urinal cake."

Hey, kids, did you ever have the intense desire to starve for 5 days and drink your own piss while slaughtering defenseless Iraqi children? Then the U.S. Army is calling you!

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