"No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine." - - - William Blum

July 29, 2004

PDA - Yet Another Progressive Coalition?

Michael Miller turned me on to this article in the Common Dreams Progressive Newswire:

New Political Organization to be Launched in Boston: Progressive Democrats of America [PDA}

WASHINGTON - July 20- A new political organization will be officially launched next week in Boston, at the conclusion of the Democratic National Convention. The group, Progressive Democrats of America (PDA), will reflect a broad desire by many within the Democratic Party to champion progressive issues, along with working to defeat President George Bush. PDA has already won the support of well-known activists and political figures such as Tom Hayden, and actors Ed Asner and Mimi Kennedy.

"The Democratic Party needs our help to regain its soul," said Kennedy, who has been a supporter of grassroots efforts. "If this is to be the party of peace, of universal, single payer healthcare, of fair trade, then it needs people to speak out on those issues." PDA will work to mobilize supporters within the Democratic Party on behalf of progressive office holders, including public servants and Democratic Party officials.

"There are many progressives, newly energized by the Dean and Kucinich campaigns, who are also new to the Democratic Party. We're going to do the hard work of integrating them into the party and shifting the balance of power in the progressive direction," adds Charles Lenchner, acting director of PDA....

If you read the entire piece you will see many, many groups already composing this coalition. The problem with large coalitions? Dilution of efficacy; the ultimate example being the Democratic Party.

We need a "Peace Party" (ala Kucinich), or a "Green Party" (wait, I think there is one), that combines the progressive stances of no war, the environment, social programs and public education. We could call it the Peacegreen Party, or Greenpeace or.... wait! There is a Greenpeace! What the hell have they been doing, and why haven't we progressives taken it over? (I know, it's international. But play along with me here.)

You know what? There are way too many political organizations and parties. No wonder we cannot get our shit together. I think the last thing we need is another one. But I'll give this PDA a look-see anyway.

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