"No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine." - - - William Blum

July 10, 2004

If you vote against the FMA then you must marry a homosexual

Received this message today from AFA (emphasis added):

Dear Mike,

Debate on the Federal Marriage Amendment in the U.S. Senate has begun. But I must share with you some information so that when the vote is taken, you will know exactly what it means. The FMA will probably not get the necessary two-thirds vote required for a constitutional amendment to pass. In fact, there is a possibility that it may not even get a simple majority.

I urge you, DO NOT BE DISCOURAGED! This is only the beginning of a long fight for the very foundation of Western Civilization. One of the primary purposes of this vote is to make public the position of each Senator. There is a general feeling that some Senators will have to be voted out of office before the FMA can pass. And, despite all the rhetoric by some Senators as to why they voted against the FMA, the bottom line is this: A vote against the FMA is a vote for homosexual marriage. A vote for the FMA is a vote for traditional marriage.

The Democratic leadership in the Senate has made a deal with the homosexual activists that they will kill the bill in return for homosexual financial support and votes. They are working hand in hand to do that. Their desire is to get a federal judge to strike all marriage laws from the books in all 50 states. The ACLU and other groups have already filed suits in several states to strike down marriage laws. Homosexual leaders have promised to “out” homosexual staff members of Senators who vote for the FMA.

Please don’t think that we have lost if the FMA isn’t passed. This will be a long battle and the outcome will determine the kind of society our children and grandchildren will live in. I am greatly encouraged by the growing involvement of God-fearing people that I have seen in the last two weeks. I am hopeful that the “sleeping giant” is waking up.

Mike, I am committed for the long haul. I hope that you are also. Too much is riding on the outcome. Here is what you can do right now:

Take Action:
-If you haven’t already signed the petition in support of the FMA, click here to do so.
-Call your two Senators if you have not already done so. You can reach both Senators by calling 1-202-224-3121. For information on where your Senators stand, and for local office numbers and toll-free numbers, click here. We will be continually updating this information.
-Please forward this email to your friends and urge them to get involved.

After the vote, we will provide a list of those Senators who vote for homosexual marriage (against the FMA) and those who voted for traditional marriage (for the FMA).

Mike, your continued involvement in this battle is very much needed! Please stay active and involved. Thank you and God bless you.

Sincerely, Donald E. Wildmon, Founder and Chairman - American Family Association

This is the kind of backwards political repression that, 100 years from now, students will read and learn exactly how our society was so repressed and bigoted during the early part of the 21st century. Just like we think now about slavery and burning witches at the stake. I'm glad to see that homosexual activists and the ACLU are pursuing the Senate in hopes of keeping this rancid ammendment from becoming a reality.

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