"No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine." - - - William Blum

July 21, 2004

DLC to Progressives: "We Don't Need You"

Another reason that I think the Democratic Leadership Council is a dinosaur that belongs in a museum (excerpt from today's DLC New Dem Daily):

....You have to wonder if the Bush-Cheney campaign is drawing its strategic direction from celebrity pundits Joe Trippi and Arianna Huffington, who've been circulating a petition urging John Kerry to stop worrying about those pesky and stubbornly centrist swing voters and try to win by exciting the Democratic base and attracting ill-defined non-voters. Fortunately, Kerry is ignoring that advice....

Starting with the Dean campaign, the DLC has incessantly tried to squash the more progressive leadership and voices of the Democrats. The DLC should not be dissing activists like Trippi, Huffington and Nader, but rather embracing them and asking for their support and ideas.

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