"No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine." - - - William Blum

June 26, 2004

Saw F-9/11 today

Went to see F-9/11 today. It was an early showing, 10:30 a.m., which is why I assume the theatre was nearly empty. I had read all the hype and reports and figured it would be packed. Oh well, at least we got front-and-center seats. Very little in the movie surprised me, as I get most of my info from the internet and had seen or heard most everything already. If you're a regular of Left is Right (yes, all two of you), then you'll most likely gain very little knowledge by seeing F-9/11 since you must frequent progressive blogs and sites.

However, what you will gain is an idea of what a lot of people are going to see for the first time, and this will give you much more substantive "ammunition" when debating Bush with the doubters at home and at work, assuming they too saw the film. If they haven't, then offer to buy tickets for them. Hell, offer to drive them to the theatre.

I can see why the Republicans are scared shitless about this movie. If you believe only 25% of the content, that's still more than enough to convince you that only a total bonehead would vote for Bush in November. Considering how easily the Bush administration convinced something like 70-80% of the public that Iraq caused 9/11, with just speeches, then showing the visual content of F-9/11 to these same people will be a slam dunk.

For me the most gut wrenching parts involved the Flint, Michigan mother whose son died in a Blackhawk helicopter crash east of Baghdad in May, 2004. Being neither a mother nor having had one of my sons killed in war, I was still absorbed into her pervasive suffering and emotions. I think the fact that she was such a strongly principled woman, and that Michael Moore did such an excellent job of not exploiting her situation, made her sorrow all the more compelling.

I haven't heard anyone suggest this yet, so I want to be the first. This movie is going to make tons of money, here and abroad, anyway. So, Michael Moore, why not reduce the ticket prices to make it more affordable, or have the distributor show the movie in colleges and community centers, or start releasing the movie on DVD now. This movie is not, and should not be, about money. You say you want this documentary to affect the election? Then make sure you do everything possible to get as many people as you can to see it. This election, between electronic voting, disenfranchised voters and a wimp-ass Bush-lite Democratic candidate who gives us no real reason to go vote "for" anyone, is going to be difficult enough to rip from the bloodless, oil-veined hands of the ruling junta in Washington, so every little bit you do will help.

When Bush loses the vote and then declares marshal law before Kerry's inauguration, we are going to need the help of every able-bodied true-believer when we march on Washington and demand our country back.

(By the way, if you're into this kind of thing, you can track the top box office receipts by day HERE, then select the date.)

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