"No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine." - - - William Blum

June 18, 2004

ddjangoWIrE's rant echos my feelings, on the Bush Administration:

....Lookee here. The whole thing has unravelled on them and they just don't care. They keep on keepin' on like the tidal wave of outrage is but a sparrow's whisper.

There was a shot of Kerry and I looked into his eyes and realized that he's only going through the motions. He won't lose one wink of sleep if he's still a Senator on November 4th. His lot won't change one bit if Doubleduh gets to live in that damned castle for a few more years. But yours will; mine will.

I realized last night that I can't figure out what they're waiting for: they've bought the government and sold a lot of it off; Congress is theirs and so's the SOTUS. They've almost finished decapitating and decimating the US armed forces, while building a group of private, corporate military organizations who could take on the US Army and win.

Worst of all, they've neatly divided the citizenry in more or less half: one half knows they're lying but can't figure out what the fuck to do about it; the other half knows they're lying but thinks that's just fine because they're right, goddammit ! Money and evangelism trump truth and reality anytime.

The jig is nearly up, boyzngrrrlz. Think real hard . . . what do you think would happen if these jokers just said tomorrow, "attack imminent, constitution suspended, martial law in force?"

I'd say the jig has only begun. Come November 3, 2004, there'll be record numbers of Americans applying for, or getting updated, passports as they begin planning their escape from this country we once called a republic. Left is Right strongly suggests applying now, to avoid the rush. Here's a good place to start looking.

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