"No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine." - - - William Blum

June 10, 2004

A bit on the gritty side, but this comment I found on Body and Soul kinda sums up my feelings about a president the country survived:

Reagan was a venal and nasty and stupid man....and I see little reason to try and be nice about him. He destroyed unions, put families on the street by cutting welfare and waged an illegal war in central america.....oh, and lets see what else....he installed a hyper reactionary supreme court.....and he refused to address AIDS because it affected those terrible homo's and junkies. Nice guy. And Kerry gushes sentimental about him......I just dont get it. Remember ketchup as a vegetable? That was to save a billion or so on school lunches......which affects the poor, so who cares. I guess I just dont share this feeling of positivness --- the jingoism and re-writing of history that is CNN and other networks on the D Day anniversary and now the mawkish tributes to one of america's worst presidents. I think one must speak clearly about a Reagan....because history needs to be accurate....as much as it can.....and this was a very VERY bad president.
Posted by: john steppling | June 7, 2004 08:05 AM

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