"No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine." - - - William Blum

June 11, 2004


"She gets up every morning of every day to be the only daily voice of truth on the radio in the United States of America. How sad that I even have to write those words! A nation of 300 million, a written guarantee of a free press, and no one will do the job that Amy Goodman does so simply, so profoundly. This book puts the pedal to the metal of all the lies we're told, day in and day out. Amy Goodman is a national treasure, and if you are unable to pick up her signal on the dial, you can now pick up this book, shake your head in disbelief and disgust as you read it, and then put it down so you can go raise some hell!" ----- Michael Moore

I listen to Amy on Democracy Now! every morning during my commute to work. I was convinced of her objectivity when she ripped into Ambassador (and former Democratic Presidential Candidate) Carol Moseley Braun, earlier this year, regarding a trip she took to Nigeria in 1996 under the dictatorship of Sani Abacha. Amy is hands down the best reporter alive today. If you want news about this country that the world outside the U.S. gets, this is your source.

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