"No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine." - - - William Blum

May 13, 2004

A Post from a "Politically Castrated" Blogger

Here is some advice from the Right to their leader:

....You absolutely, positively, must wait until Iraq and America’s other enemies are defeated, fully and unconditionally, before you pull our warriors out. You absolutely, positively, must wait until they have proven—unconditionally!—that they can be trusted before you charge them to again rule themselves. You must not waiver, you must not falter, you must not grow weary…vigilance now and forever is our only hope, and their greatest opposition.

Mr. President, you must not listen to the Politically Castrated and easily led leftists of this country…they are not the majority, and they are not right. You were right, and are right, about this war…believe in that, and believe in the freedoms we’ve sacrificed so much to preserve.

Remember, Sir, that it was decades after WWII before Germany and Japan could be trusted to regulate themselves, and that in fact to this day, there are restrictions still in force--things they aren’t allowed to do or build. It has been 60 years, and while they are now our friends, the harsh reality is that they brought such strict guidelines upon themselves; for that decade of debauchery, they have had to prove themselves with six decades of good behavior. What is wrong with using this same standard now? Holding Islamic extremists accountable for the suffering they have inflicted upon the world is not wrong or mean-spirited or arrogant of us now anymore so than it was back then. It is, in fact, just, good, and in the end, the greatest kindness we can show to them.

Remember, Sir, that America is a good land, made up of good people. We are the only nation in the history of the world to be attacked and murdered by enemies, then take them by the hand, investing monies, manpower, and decades to re-build and in fact greatly improve their standard of living, turning them from adversary to ally, forgiving them and welcoming them into our fold. None of our foes, past or present, would show us the same tolerance or clemency. Not one.

Remember that Kerry is a coward, a loser, the scum on the boot of America to be wiped off on the sidewalk, and that if he is elected, Ranger Tillman and millions before him will have died for nothing. No amount of hippy bitching will ever benefit man so much as has the American Warrior. Listen to them, Mr. President; right now their voices are the only ones that make any sense.

I'm still trying to figure out what they mean by "politically castrated". It sounds kinda painful, and it must have happened when I was an infant, because I'm checking everywhere on my body for tell-tale scars and the only thing I find missing is some hair on top. It's interesting how Kerry, if elected, will invalidate the deaths of millions; he must be an incredibly powerful person. Note to self: "Ease Up on the Hippie Bitching - Apparently It's Become Quite Noticeable"

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