"No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine." - - - William Blum

May 21, 2004

Note to Jeffords: Someone May Soon Be Knocking At Your Door

Pessimist, writing on LeftCoaster, makes a novel plea to John McCain (excerpt):

....Personal to John McCain: You've been the good soldier, loyal to the party you once belonged to. That party, as you are beginning to see, is long gone from the American political scene. You've been the good soldier, honorably serving in your country's service as was traditional in your familiy's history. It's time for you to be the good American, and help end the tyranny of the Bush (mis)Administration.

Take an example from your fellow Senator, Jim Jeffords. Place traditional American principles above partisan politics and cease pretending you're still a Republican. You aren't. As this interview with Speaker Hastert shows, your party has left you. No one will ask you to become a Democrat - Jeffords didn't - so you won't have to feel like you are compromising your personal integrity. But to keep this integrity, you need to act - NOW. Once these evil bastards feel you have been neutralized, how long will Snowe and Collins and Chaffey be able to stand up to the assault? Not long, I expect.

It's time for the four of you - yourself, Snowe, Collins, and Chaffey - to act as American Patriots and end your associations with that entity that calls itself the Republican Party and to form your own with Senator Jeffords. As a separate political bloc, you would hold the balance of power. You could still support the GOP when you felt it deserved it, but you could also do something about the predations against the American people - that you are now powerless against - by joining the Democrats in opposition.

What have you to lose? Nothing you aren't going to lose anyway. The Republican Party has to be looking for someone to run against you in the next primary. You can expect little economic assistance from them should you need it. Any committee chairmanships you are seeking will go to someone else. You will never be the presidential nominee of the Republican Party. Similar plots against the others have to be underway as well - they aren't considered any more trustworthy by the BFEE/PNAC party leaders than you are.

You put country before self once before - it's time to do it again. For the good of your personal integrity, and the health and welfare of the nation you swore an oath to protect and defend, become an Independent and lead the others away from a power-hungry elite that has demonstrated they are not responsible in their actions.

I don't know about this. Putting so much power into the hands of a handful of rogue Senators seems a bit irresponsible. Haven't we learned YET to question the motives of Republicans, no matter what their actions appear, on the surface, to be?

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