"No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine." - - - William Blum

April 27, 2004

Republicans Eliminate "Neither" from Dictionary

Richard Engle, President NFRA thinks it's time for Republicans to revisit those fond Reagan years:

...It is my contention that the modern Republican Party is entirely the creation of Ronald Reagan's legacy. While we would not want to demean the impact other Republicans have had including our current President and his father, there is little doubt either of them would have become President without Reagan. More importantly, the Grand Old Party would stand for "Old" more than it does "Grand" were it not for "the Great Communicator" transforming its message to one that reached the hearts of the vast majority of Americans. At that time and still today, Americans are largely politically conservative as conservativism was defined by him. On social issues, Americans hold to traditional definitions of family and of life. On fiscal, Americans want limited government, freedom to pursue there own goals, and minimal taxes. Internationally, Americans want to engage the world rather than be isolated from it, however they want our government to pursue the values of liberty rather than to appease foreign potentates.

It is my opinion that Ronald Reagan's success was built on the fact that he never failed to stand firm in his commitment to principle. I also believe that the Republican Party must, on an ongoing basis, recall that recipe for success. We will not achieve greatness by merely electing more and more Republicans if being a Republican carries little or no meaning or impact on that elected officials public policy.

I understand that the Party must shape its platform anew to address the issues of the day. We should also revisit the platform of Ronald Reagan to remind ourselves of timeless values which will lead us to victory, and more importantly, to truth....

"...there is little doubt either of them would have become President without Reagan." Excuse my grammar, but isn't that saying that the Bushes would have become President even without Reagan? Therefore, what's the big deal about Reagan?

Anyway, this essay is so full of b.s. because it replaces the term "conservative Americans" with "Americans". Read and enjoy.

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