"No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine." - - - William Blum

April 30, 2004

Oh Siht - Those Britons Are At It Again

Rob at Conniptions found this gem:

U.S. Government asked to approve trademark of 'FCUK'
Ask the Federal Patent & Trademark Office to reject the applications and not approve FCUK as a government-recognized trademark in the United States. Wednesday, April 28, 2004

The French Connection United Kingdom Company has applied for government approval of a registered trademark using their acronym, "FCUK." If the French Connection gets approval for the trademark, the "FCUK" will begin appearing on T-shirts, tote bags, sodas, mugs and other products worn and displayed in the public, all with the approval of the U.S. government! Plus it will be used in advertising in all media: TV, newspapers, magazines, etc.

Click here to see a sample of their product. WARNING: The material is extremely offensive.

Last year, major retailers pulled products from their store shelves carrying the acronym because of its offensiveness. Now the company is asking the United States Patent & Trademark Office to officially sanction it as a standard trademark for public promotion of their products in America.

Our children don't need to see this term pop up on TV and newspaper ads, or worn in public. And, won't you please forward this e-mail to a friend? Do it for our children.

Yes, do it for our fcuking, gdodam children. Tahnk gdo we have the religious right to protect ourselves from the terrorism of freedom of speech. And do click the link to see the product sample; you'll be shocked horrified offended amused.

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