"No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine." - - - William Blum

April 17, 2004

It's Madness, I Tell You

Here is an appeal by Lew Rockwell, who looked beyond the trees when analyzing the Bush/Blair press conference earlier this week (thanks to Left i for the lead):

"The urgent moral priority of our time is to dismantle the warfare state, disarm the nukes, roll back the empire from every corner of the globe. We want to live in a country even a crazy man can head and not have it be dangerous for us or the world. If George or his successors want to play violent games, someone could just bring them a set of plastic army men and they could have at it all day in the West Wing. Let them live out their fantasies of death and dominion with toys rather than the real world."

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