"No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine." - - - William Blum

April 30, 2004

Czech Your Knowledge

Left is Right BEATS THE ODDS!

BBC News has a 10-question, multiple-choice quiz for you to test your knowledge of one of the upcoming new members of the E.U., the Czech Republic. Left is Right knows virtually nothing about this nation. Even with those odds, on a 3-choices-per-question test, probability states that the score should be 3 to 4 correct answers. Left is Right scored 90%! Yes, 90% WRONG! Here is the only question answered correctly:

Question 5
A Czech or Czechoslovak team has won the ice hockey world cup nine times since 1947. In which of the following years was the Czech team not world champion?

A: 2000
B: 2001
C: 2002

Funny thing is, of all the subjects covered by the questions, this is the one about which Left is Right knows the least.

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