"No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine." - - - William Blum

February 13, 2004

Unions Shmoonions

While totally denigrating Max Cleland's military service, among other things, Ann Coulter had this warm and fuzzy comment about unions:

Needless to say, no one ever challenged Cleland's "patriotism." His performance in the Senate was the issue, which should not have come as a bolt out of the blue inasmuch as he was running for re-election to the Senate. Sen. Cleland had refused to vote for the Homeland Security bill unless it was chock-full of pro-union perks that would have jeopardized national security. ("OH, MY GOD! A HIJACKED PLANE IS HEADED FOR THE WHITE HOUSE!" "Sorry, I'm on my break. Please call back in two hours.")

Thank god we have people like Ms. Coulter to inject reason and sanity into today's political dialogue. Where would we be without her? What she did forget to realize, however, was that the entire Bush Administration was on a two-hour break during 9-11, and I don't think any of them are "union".

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