"No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine." - - - William Blum

February 18, 2004

Blame the Parents

I have no problem with Bush trying to avoid going to Vietnam. God knows I was so grateful for my student deferment, as I thought the war was wrong and I didn't want to die for a bad cause. It was more than enough motivation for me to keep my GPA high enough so that I could enroll in graduate school and continue avoiding military service (which subsequently was unnecessary). If the situation turned bad enough, though, I would have still gone to war (although today I would have moved to New Zealand, knowing what I know now about the Johnson and Nixon administrations).

I do have a problem with this unelected President claiming to be the leader of our military, when he can't even punch his way out of an open duffle bag. He wasn't able, nor did he even attempt, to fulfill the minimum requirements for TANG duty. That's okay, because those people normally receive the appropriate consequences to their actions. Except of course for wealthy, well-connected ones, the ones who successfully cheat the system, the George Bushes of our nation. Those are the ones who will burn forever in hell, who will return in a karmic inferno of misery, who cannot go to sleep at night sober because they must numb their conscience. Except those consequences will not save the honest, gullible, trusting young Americans, who are taught starting in kindergarten to support their government and believe their President, from the injury and death in a war that has no business existing were it not for the pathologically lying and deceiving actions of Bush.

But, you say, it was the American electorate who (almost) voted him into office (and thus are (almost) to blame), and he's really an honest guy who deeply believes what he says and, aw shucks, give him a break because it's really his hand-picked staff who are screwing up. Right. Whenever I do something wrong, I just blame my parents and then everyone forgives me. Works like a charm.

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