"No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine." - - - William Blum

January 09, 2004

The Sickening, Meaningless Loss of Life Continues

As reported in today's CAP:

It has been over eight months since President Bush declared the end of major combat in Iraq, but a lack of cohesive strategy has left the country dangerously out of control, with deadly results for U.S. soldiers. Even though the frequency of insurgent attacks has decreased, the number of soldiers killed has held steady, meaning the lethality of each attack is increasing. According to statistics compiled by GlobalSecurity.org, "nearly as many U.S. soldiers were wounded in Iraq last month as during the entire six-week period of major combat operations, according to Defense Department statistics tracked by a research organization." And the U.S. braces for a devastating milestone. AP reports, "The number of American troops who have died in Iraq since the war began last March is nearing 500, more than U.S. losses in many regional conflicts of the past several decades: the Gulf War, Lebanon, Somalia, Panama, Grenada, Kosovo and Afghanistan."

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