"No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine." - - - William Blum

January 12, 2004

Kucinich in N. California

Nice article about Dennis Kucinich by The San Francisco Chrolicle. Snippet:

...With repeated trips to California, particularly the Democratic-leaning Bay Area, Kucinich has developed a loyal following among those on the left who believe that Dean and the rest of the Democratic pack are too cautious -- and too centrist -- on issues such as the war, environment and health care.

"Northern California is key to my strategy for winning the White House,'' Kucinich says. "The response here has empowered my campaign.''

Indeed, his local appeal was illustrated in a visit to Berkeley -- where he delivered a rousing, and often eloquent, sermon on politics to an adoring standing-room-only crowd of 1,200 packed into the pews of a church...

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