"No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine." - - - William Blum

January 15, 2004

Keeping our "Left" Fingers Crossed

Grist Magazine feels that Bush's environmental policies may eventually catch up to him. Snippet:

Many fear that the Republican party as a whole might pay dearly for the Bush administration's radical approach to environmental issues. "The irony is that while the Bush administration's environmental policy is designed largely to strengthen their campaign strategy, it could do just the opposite," [Lincoln] Chafee told Muckraker [Grist magazine]. "Look at a map of all the states Bush won in 2000 -- the red states are mining states, they are timber-producing states, they are ranching states, many of which have a very strong opposition to environmental laws. But that doesn't represent the interests of most of the swing states. And even the mentality in the traditionally Republican states is changing -- states like Idaho, where people are beginning to understand that there has to be a balance."

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