"No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine." - - - William Blum

January 23, 2004

If not Kucinich, then Clark?

Good interview with Michael Moore today on Democracy Now! He discusses, among other things, why he supports Wesley Clark's bid for the nomination.

Clark, if Kucinich's drive for the nomination expires, seems like the person with the best chance of surviving the oncoming, relentless onslaught of Republican trash that will overwhelm the campaign. If Kucinich bows out, it looks like Clark's the man, in my book.

I'm not giving up on Kucinich. I'm voting for him in the state primary, I've dedicated this blog to him, and I've donated to his campaign. However, one must be realistic and prepared to accept the consequences of an unfair, media-controlled nominating process (that hopefully someday will be fixed) that has Kucinich in a vise. We must examine each candidate and decide which one has the best combination of three attributes: ability to beat Bush, the least amount of corporate sponsorship, and the most likely to abide by his/her principles and carry out campaign promises.

Even if Clark is only half as good as he leads us to believe, we're still talking about a person with infinitely greater tendency, than Bush, to be truthful, compassionate and intelligent.

I wish Clark would wear his uniform to the debates. It might look silly, but it definitely will remind the viewers that he has some invaluable experience in leading others. Or maybe his military hat; that would be interesting. At least his West Point sweatshirt. Anything. Something. Don't generals have swords that they wear to balls? Wouldn't that be a great thing to be wearing in the debates and on the campaign trail? Or his military-issue pistol: wear that sucker prominently around town and everyone will perk up when he speaks.

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