"No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine." - - - William Blum

January 16, 2004

Freeper Explained

Wonder what a "freeper" is? (I did.) Try this explanation:

Ever since there was an al-Qaeda Underground, the word freeper has been circulating the boards. What is it? What does it mean? Where did it come from? I will answer these questions for you, from the point of view of someone who used to think that the republicans were right some of the time, and the democrats were right some of the time.

Freeper originally was a word used to describe those who hang out and post on a website called www.freerepublic.com. This message board is for conservatives. I encourage you all to go to this site and take a look for yourself. Now, since that time, the word freeper has evolved. Many of us in the middle (the real middle) and on the left (to varying degrees) are amazed at what the mainstream republicans and media have been able to accomplish. They've basically built a following of "freepers" who are like sheep; following blindly, spouting the party line, never questioning. They're blinded by the hate that the media and the mainstream repubs have shoved at them for years. They've been scared into sheep. They've been told anyone in the middle or left is a commie pinko who wants to destroy them and the country with "big government". They believe this without question, in their blindness. For this reason, the word freeper does not just equate to those who hangout/post on freerepublic, it now encompasses any and all of the brainwashed right. You can be a conservative and not be a freeper if you think for yourself, but you can't be a freeper without being a sheep.

The Tactics of Freepers
Freepers engage in many forms of tactics to intimidate their enemies. If you're engaged in a real debate with a freeper (perhaps one of your friends is a freeper) they will usually start raising their voice immediately. They will then say things as if they were obvious fact (fox news isn't biased, cnn is liberal, Clinton was a rapist, etc) when in fact anyone who looks at such things objectively disagrees with them. They refuse to back down from such points, even if massive evidence to the contrary is displayed for them. Another tactic used by freepers, but only in the online community, is called "freeping". Freeping equates to we network security guys called a Distributed Denial of Service Attack. In network security, an attacker can utilize large numbers of 'hacked' computers, making them all flood a server with various protocols and information at the same time, hogging the server's bandwidth and overloading it's software, eventually causing said server to crash when it can't handle the load anymore. Freeping is the same thing, except instead of 'hacked' computers being used, people are being used. They herd their sheep to one specific site that disagrees with their fascist views and they disrupt the site constantly until a) they feel their mission is accomplished b) the site goes down or c) they get bored. Then they all go back to freerepublic (freeperville, henceforth) and pat each other on the back and say "Wow, we sure showed those commies!" For some reason, they believe this helps their agenda. Personally, I think it paints them as the criminals they are. If they were using ICMP packets instead of actual people, it'd be illegal.

Freepers are slightly to the right of Hitler. Most believe that America is the only Godly country (save Israel, sometimes) and that all the unGodly must be 'smited'. They believe that rich, white males should be ruling the world and keeping their 'wimmin' and 'niggers' in check, and working, like the Good Book says they should. They're completely unable to comprehend that they're not the majority in this country, and that legitimate conservatives (John McCain) and legitimate Christians despise them. They're truly the perfect example of propaganda, scare tactics, and brainwashing. If you know any freepers in your day to day activities, I encourage you to prove my words to yourself by attempting to engage them in honest debate. If they fail to exhibit the qualities, they're not completely hopeless yet, I encourage you then to attempt to give them a mind of their own.


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