"No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine." - - - William Blum

January 26, 2004

Clark the War Criminal?

Lefti on the News points to an interview of Wesley Clark by a Democracy Now! reporter, which I happened to catch on the way to work this morning. Clark responded to the accusations of war criminality with an edgy but still civil manner. He didn't try to duck the questions, gave reasonable answers, considering the lack of preparation, and showed some compassion. However, he didn't apologize in the least for any of his actions in Bosnia as NATO commander, which, at this point, might be good, or bad, for his campaign. As this is probably the only potential black mark on his stellar career, he should consider clearing up the story by maybe writing a book about his stint as NATO commander (answering these questions in the process) or maybe guest editorials in prominent newspapers. There's still plenty of time to write/publish a book before the campaign gets down to the wire.

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