"No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine." - - - William Blum

December 10, 2003

Making Examples

Regarding the Pentagon's latest foray into Iraq assassination squads developed with the guidance of Israel, here is what a former US army officer said:

Colonel Ralph Peters, a former army intelligence officer and a critic of Pentagon policy in Iraq, said yesterday there was nothing wrong with learning lessons wherever possible.

"When we turn to anyone for insights, it doesn't mean we blindly accept it," Col Peters said. "But I think what you're seeing is a new realism. The American tendency is to try to win all the hearts and minds. In Iraq, there are just some hearts and minds you can't win. Within the bounds of human rights, if you do make an example of certain villages it gets the attention of the others, and attacks have gone down in the area."

Yep, making examples of some will most surely win the hearts and minds of the rest. That's what he said.

Apparently the word "fear" is not part of Peters' vocabulary.

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