"No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine." - - - William Blum

December 10, 2003

HERE is an intriguing interview by AP with a leader of an Iraqi terrorist cell. Snippet:

He said he did not want to fight the Americans when they first arrived in April. "I had always looked at the American government as respectable, until now," he said. "They are educated. They know how to build things, how to think and how to work hard. "They promised to liberate us from occupation. They promised us rights and liberty, and my colleagues and I waited to make our decision on whether to fight until we saw how they would act."
But, he said, the crime and chaos in the early days after Saddam's fall convinced him and his colleagues -- all Ba'ath Party members -- that the Americans had come "as occupiers and not as liberators."

"And my colleagues and I then voted to fight. So we began to meet and plan. We met with others and have tried to buy weapons. None of us are afraid to die, but it is hard. We are just men, workers, not soldiers." Abu Mujahid said the guerrillas waging dozens of attacks on American forces each day have a loosely organized command structure that prevents any one man from knowing too many specifics about other operations. While some coordination and support exist between cells, most are left to operate independently.

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