"No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine." - - - William Blum

November 04, 2003

This Just In: Dennis Interviewed Today!

Read today's interview with Dennis Kucinich by The Concord Monitor and washingtonpost.com. Snippet:

Washington, D.C.: Mr. Kucinich, you have called for the immediate removal of American forces from Iraq. If that was the case -- if American soldiers were immediately withdrawn -- how would Iraq be rebuilt? How would security, tenuous at best with American troops present, be maintained? And how would we avoid Iraq falling into the hands of religious extremists like the ones who control Iran?

Rep. Dennis J. Kucinich : It is imperative that the USA get out of Iraq. It was wrong to go in. It is wrong to stay in. We must go to the United Nations with a new resolution which represents a shift in US policy, a resolution which signals that the US is ready to rejoin the world community in the cause of securing Iraq and in helping to create greater security across the globe. That resolution, which can be accessed on my website at www.kucinich.us calls for the UN to handle all the oil assets of Iraq on behalf of the Iraqi people, without any privatization of oil assets. Next the UN would handle all the contracts in Iraq. No more sweetheart deals for the likes of Halliburton. No more no-bid contracts for political contributors. And the UN should be charged with developing new governance in Iraq so that the Iraqi people can move toward self-determination. This resolution would enable the UN to be brought back into the picture. Currently the UN is stepping back from Iraq. We must re-engage the UN. We must reach out to the world community. My exit strategy (and I am the only candidate for President, including the incumbent, who has offered such a plan) would enable the UN to gain support from member nations who would then commit troops to enable the rotation of UN troops into Iraq and the rotation of US troops out of Iraq. My plan, if immediately brought to the UN would enable our troops to be home by the beginning of the New Year. Unless this country makes a shift in policy, we will end up with more deaths of US servicemen and servicewomen, more chaos in Iraq and more separation from the world community. The time to take a new direction is now.

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