"No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine." - - - William Blum

November 01, 2003

Iraq = Vietnam?

Richard Cohen epitomizes the mindset of the Right:

Finally, where Iraq is really different from Vietnam: There can be no premature, chaotic and shameful withdrawal. In the end, Vietnam didn't matter. Iraq does.

Let's see. The situation is already premature (preemptive invasion), chaotic and shameful. Withdrawal won't create that situation, just finalize it. Vietnam didn't matter? VIETNAM DIDN'T MATTER? Let's see Mr. Cohen say that in front of a couple dozen disabled Vietnam vets. I'm sure he'd receive a warm round of applause.

We the people DID learn our lesson in Vietnam. Unfortunately those in the Bush Administration were AWOL from that bloodbath (except Mr. Massacre, a.k.a. Colin Powell) or suffer any personal or financial hardship as a result, so the American public now reaps the products of BushCo's failure to learn.

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