"No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine." - - - William Blum

November 13, 2003

Ann Coulter's Sense of Humor

Sometimes Ann C. can be pretty funny, in a warped sort of fashion (snippet; emphasis mine):

Remove Dennis Kucinich's feeding tube!
Posted: November 13, 2003 1:00 a.m. Eastern © 2003 Universal Press Syndicate

In the current battle over whether to remove the feeding tube from Florida woman Terri Schiavo, the basic positions are:

She is in a permanent vegetative state; no she's not.
She is unconscious and does not react to stimuli; yes she does.
She will never get any better; yes she will.
She would not have wanted to be kept on a feeding tube; you don't know that.

The only thing everyone seems to agree on is that the husband is creepy. Terri's parents are fighting like mad to keep Terri alive. The husband, Michael Schiavo, is living with another woman with whom he has one child and is expecting another. Yet he has mounted a monumental crusade to have Terri's feeding tube removed.

Terri is not brain-dead and requires no extraordinary means to be kept alive. She is breathing, her heart is pumping, her organs are functioning. All she needs is food and water. (Of course, all three are technically true of Kate Moss, too.) But her husband wants to starve her to death. As Larry King asked him, why not "walk away"?

That is the eternal mystery of this case. Assuming everything Michael says about Terri is true – she has no consciousness, she will never recover, and she would not want to live with feeding tubes – well, then, she's not in pain, bored, angry or upset. Dennis Kucinich has been in a persistent vegetative state for 20 years – how about not feeding him? Why is Michael Schiavo so obsessed with pulling Terri's feeding tube? Why can't he just walk away?

There are so many things wrong with her reasoning, just in this small snippet from her article, it would take the rest of my life to mend the errors. However, I wanted to point out that Kucinich must be entering the big time level of politics if Ann the Slimeslut is taking the time to comment on his lifestyle. Way to go, Dennis!

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