"No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine." - - - William Blum

November 21, 2003

A.A.R.P. is C.R.A.P.

Left is Right turned the big five-oh this year. As one reminder of the approaching inevitibility of the hereafter, L is R received several invitations from AARP to become a member. Thinking that it would help in the denial of the inevitible, the membership forms were fed into the shredder (using the trashcan just wouldn't act as sufficient denial).

But now, as the cozy relationship bteween AARP management and the GOP suddenly becomes a public revelation, L is R has a legitimate reason to tell AARP where to put its membership offers. Apparently many other potential and current members have done the same. You can, too, HERE.

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