"No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine." - - - William Blum

October 10, 2003

Uh Oh, Better Raise the Terror Alert Level to Elmo

Cheney Speaks:

Friday, October 10, 2003 Posted: 1:19 PM EDT (1719 GMT)
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Vice President Dick Cheney said Friday that terrorists are "doing everything they can" to get weapons of mass destruction that could kill hundreds of thousands of Americans "in a single day of horror." In a speech staunchly defending the U.S.-led war in Iraq as part of the Bush administration's efforts to prevent terrorist attacks against the United States, Cheney said the arguments over the administration's handling of Iraq are "helping to frame the most important debate of the post-9/11 era."

His appearance before the conservative Heritage Foundation marked the latest in a series of speeches top administration officials are giving in hopes of curbing the growing criticism over the U.S. handling of Iraq. "Some claim we should not have acted because the threat from Saddam Hussein was not imminent," Cheney said. "Terrorist enemies of our country hope to strike us with the most lethal weapons known to man and it would be reckless in the extreme to rule out action and save our worries until the day they strike." He added, "As long as George W. Bush is president of the United States, this country will not permit gathering threats to become certain tragedies."

Would Someone please stop this madman? First of all, Iraq won't be launching any terrorist attacks against the U.S. anytime soon, as they're too busy terrorizing our soldiers in Iraq, in an effort to send them away. Secondly, by expending so many of our resources over in Iraq, we are reducing our ability to protect ourselves at home, thus increasing the odds of something, to which Cheney refers, as actually happening, but from other terrorist groups who are just as pissed at us for being in Iraq. The single, most significant thing the U.S. can do to immediately reduce the threat of terrorists in the U.S. is to withdraw from Iraq now. It's a no-brainer, folks: if you remove the motivation for terrorists to act, then the terrorists won't act.

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