"No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine." - - - William Blum

September 23, 2003

Why Kucinich?

Great piece on Kucinich. Check it out. Snippets:

America is in a dangerous place right now. Economic and governmental power is divided among fewer and fewer entities. While in office, George Bush has consolidated these gains in ways unthinkable just three years ago. With the tragedies surrounding 9/11, he's solidified the conservative party line, and made it safe to fear again in America.

In my judgment, the antidote to this should be profound, radical change. Not necessarily in terms of policy--I'm not advocating Communism--but rather seizing back from conservatives the very definitions of politics. We need someone who advances a positive, hopeful agenda for Americans. Someone who will remind Americans of the enlightened values on which this country was founded, not the narrow, fearful, hate-fueled politics of the Republican party.

Dennis Kucinich is the only candidate with this vision. A great example is his view on terrorism. His solution? International cooperation and a policy position that begins with peace.

At the end of the day, most people are more impressed with a candidate's character than they are with his policies. When I first looked through the candidates, I was of course attracted to Kucinich's views. But it wasn't until I saw Dennis in Portland that I became really enthusiastic about him. He seems enormously credible to me. He's engaging and bright, but mostly, he seems authentic. That bit about peace comes from his website; it's not in the third person, and it wasn't written by a staffer--he wrote it.

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